Disabling .dbx files for newsgroups
(too old to reply)
2005-06-11 23:10:39 UTC
Is there a way to prevent IE from creating .dbx files for newsgroups? I
never re-read messages and have very limited disk space.

Thanks for any ideas.
Michael Santovec
2005-06-12 22:26:22 UTC
The DBX files are required. By design, OE downloads the newsgroup message into the DBX
file before display.

To minimize disk space, on Tools, Options, maintenance, select the options to Delete
message bodies from read messages and delete news messages 1 day after downloading. Then
do a File, Folders, Compact All regularly. At least one a week, or daily if your disk
space is really tight.
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
Is there a way to prevent IE from creating .dbx files for newsgroups? I never re-read
messages and have very limited disk space.
Thanks for any ideas.
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